Plans and goals for 2024

In the first months of 2024 we have been serving 47 families. Following is an overview of plans and goals for our moms, for our younger kids, for our youth, and for our staff. 


  • Practical assistance with food vouchers and coupons for the holidays 
  • Financial help with special needs 
  • Regular meetings every six to seven weeks for mutual encouragement, fellowship, teaching, and discipleship
  • Personal counseling as needed

Children’s Program: 

  • Two meetings a week, each with about 10 kids Hebrew immersion for recent Russian speaking immigrants 
  • English enhancement for all the kids 
  • Bible discussions in Hebrew 
  • Reading skills enhancement 
  • Art, creativity 
  • Therapeutic activities 
  • Special outings 
  • Meals together 

Youth program: 

  • Weekly gatherings Girls only, boys only meetings  
  • Getting to know the Land and enjoying nature via hikes and other outings 
  • Sleep over summer camp five days 
  • Scripture study, prayer together, and discipleship training 
  • Regional monthly club meetings in BeerSheva, Ashkelon, and Eilat 
  • Participation in youth conferences in other parts of the country 
  • Cultivating and strengthening close friendships between believing youth in the Negev and in other parts of the country 
  • Mutual support Serving together 


  • Special projects throughout the year to express support and application 
  • One on one communication to encourage and strengthen 

Staff Building and Enrichment: 

  • Team Building Bible studies together with Moms on Zoom 
  • Debriefing, training, coaching 

Overall Goals: 

  • Cultivating thankfulness 
  • Creating hunger to know God 
  • Creating a safe place to explore thoughts and feelings, fears and concerns 
  • Expanding world view by talking together about things in the culture, such as media, books, films, current events
  • Modeling and teaching relational skills 
  • Breaking through the victim mentality 
  • Establishing and strengthening relationships with other believers 
  • Having relaxed and fun times together

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