Prayer and Financial Support

Prayer Support
We emphatically believe that our most critical resource is prayer. Please pray for:
- the mothers
- the younger children
- the teenagers
- the staff and volunteers
- the activities
- the provision of needs, both material and spiritual
- a peaceful and safe Israel
Financial Support
Your financial contributions go, first of all, toward maintaining the ongoing expenses of operating our non-profit organization.
These include:
- after-school programs
- seasonal camps and hikes
- salaries for full- and part-time staff
- administrative costs
Funding received above and beyond our basic costs of operation helps pay for:
- emergency assistance for families in need (primarily in the form of food vouchers)
- special projects, such as continuing education and professional enhancement for single mothers
- one-time special needs

Ways to Financially Contribute
For a U.S. 501C3 tax-deductible contribution, make checks in U.S. dollars payable to:
[Please enclose a note indicating that your donation is “for Streams in the Desert”]
Mail to:
2288 Gunbarrel Road
Suite 154-148
Chattanooga, TN 37421
For tax-deductible contributions
via Amzi Focus on Israel:
Bank accounts:
Switzerland: Amzi, Reinach BL, Account N° 40-33695-4 IBAN: CH13 0900 0000 4003 3695 4 / BIC: POFICHBEXXX
Germany: Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden, IBAN: DE15 68350048 0001 017730, BIC: SKLODE66XXX
Bank name: Bank Leumi Le Israel B M
Account name: A.B.N. – Siyua BaNegev uBaDarom
Account: 921-725200/80
Bank Code: 10
Branch: 921
Bank address:
90 HaHalutz St
Beer Sheva, ISRAEL
Swift Address: LUMIILITTLV
IBAN: IL050109210000072520080