We are thrilled to announce that Streams in the Desert has recently launched an agricultural pilot program for underprivileged youth.
We are thrilled to announce that Streams in the Desert has recently launched an agricultural pilot program for underprivileged youth. Programs such as this have been conducted in many places in the world with great success. Working with the earth proves to be a beneficial and therapeutic way to encourage and inspire youth to discover a whole new way of being in the world, while at the same time producing high quality fresh food for needy families. With the inspiration and advice from a brother from South Africa who is involved with similar projects with underprivileged teens, we have established a small pilot vegetable garden in the yard of our ministry house. A great opportunity for relationship building and discipleship has already occurred as two of our teens helped Yuri build the raised bed planter boxes. They used packing pallets, which will soon be filled with drainage pebbles, planting mix, and plants. Some of the funds for this project have come in, but as always, more is needed.
Expenses for establishing the garden
- Planting mix: 400 Euro ($440)
- 5 Trees: 200 Euro ($220)
- Pebbles for drainage: 70 Euro ($75)
- Screws for planters: 33 Euro ($35)
- Watering system: 235 Euro ($260)
- Transportation: 250 Euro ($275)
- Water bill: 200 Euro ($220)
- Administration 100 Euro ($110)
Total: 1488 Euro ($1642)
For US giving:
1005 Elaine Trail
Chattanoga, TN 37421
Put a note on the check or with the check that it is for the Streams in the Desert
Transfers to Israeli bank:
Bank Leumi le Israel B M
Beer Sheva Branch
90 Hahalutz st
Bank code 10
Branch code 921
IBAN: IL05 0109 2100 0007 2520 080
Account name: A.B.N. – Siyua BaNegev uBaDarom
Account: 921-725200/80