Our ministry on behalf of the widows and orphans in the Negev of Israel is called Afikim BaNegev, Streams in the Desert. God has given us a heart to serve those often seen as the poorest and neediest in our midst, the single mothers and their children. The Father’s desire is to cover them with His love, protection, provision, and care.
When the prophet Isaiah spoke of streams in the desert, he visualized a typical heavy rain storm in the Negev. He saw a torrential downpour soaking the hard, dry ground,
and rushing waters cutting rivulets and deep streams and altering the landscape. Come spring, the rains brought forth lush vegetation and carpets of wild flowers upon the once barren desert floor. So it is with Streams in the Desert, as we share God’s overflow of love, we see the cleansing and healing power of God flooding into the dry and barren places of people’s lives, filling them with hope and a vision for the future. Lives are changed, and new possibilities blossom.